How to protect yourself in paintball?

How to protect yourself in paintball?

Nowadays, paintball is a trendy activity all over the world for its very physical way of playing.
In concrete terms, paintball is many things at once, it combines field sport, recreation, and discipline.
In short, the principle is to shoot each other with a shooting equipment including a gun loaded with paintballs, and all players will have to equip themselves with protective gear such as full-body overalls, gloves, paintball mask, shoes.
In order to win, a team must decimate the entire opposing camp or get the opponent’s flag, and this is only possible with perfect cohesion and a well thought-out strategy.

In short, paintball is a group sport like American soccer, basketball and others; it is not played solo.
However, shooting each other with paintballs is not without danger.
Like everyone else, your protection is the first thing on your mind before you take the plunge, but don’t worry because it is obviously possible to play paintball with as little pain as possible. We’ll explain that in this article.

How to protect yourself in paintball?

The wearing of a regulation uniform for paintball players

At first glance, one realizes that paintball is a fairly dangerous game. Obviously, the impact of paintballs on the naked body will be inexorably painful, even if it is nothing compared to the blows of the discipline that is Airsoft.

Nevertheless, it is safe sport if the protective clothing is worn by the team.

Do paintballs hurt?

First of all, this question deserves clear answers, indeed YES these bullets hurt.

  • Without the suit to protect you, you will feel considerable pain.
  • But if you wear the mandatory safety clothing then you will only feel pain comparable to a mosquito bite.

The wearing of full equipment is mandatory

For a safe game, a player will need to put on the regulation outfit which is the safety suit.
Generally, it is in the form of full-body overalls or similar to military types of clothing made of fairly tough fabrics.

Keep in mind that all of this equipment must be complete and in the best condition.

Wearing complementary accessories

Apart from the outfit, there are also equipments that must be equipped in addition, to protect your exposed limbs as much as possible as :

  • The shoes
  • The gloves
  • The masks

How to avoid pain in paintball?

However, even with the full set of mandatory equipment, the pain is still minimal.
But if you want a virtually pain-free game experience even under the fire of the paintball shooters, then two solutions are available figure:

  • It will be enough to cut perfectly cardboards and to place them under your clothes of which your tee shirt and pants, like that when a ball touches a part of your physical integrity you will feel almost nothing.
  • The best advice to avoid any sensation of pain during is not to get shot, to do this you must not be spotted. So put on camouflage gear, preferably in the same color as the game environment.

Pre-adjustment of paintball guns and bullets

Did you know that paintball launchers are powerful and precise weapons thanks to a marker on the sight guaranteeing elite precision?

YES, it is.

This weapon can hurt a lot even with full protection. And putting such powerful launchers at the disposal of players in an open field can lead to accidents if the firepower is not limited.

Define the firepower of each weapon

Before entering the playing fields, the paintball launchers must be adjusted to avoid any accidents.

  • The power must be reduced and maintained to the standard imposed by law.
  • But the launcher must be checked often to ensure its condition.

Ensure the quality of the paintballs

Without a doubt, the impact of ammunition in paint are the projectiles to danger if not checked:

  • Its quality
  • Its consistency
  • And its hardness

For example, a bullet that is too hard could do very painful damage.

How to protect yourself in paintball?

Respect of the rules in force for paintball players

Clearly, putting on the safety suits will not be enough for you.
Indeed, they do not protect your entire physical integrity.
So, you will always have a risk of injuring yourself and others if a player is not careful.

With this in mind, coercive rules have been imposed to protect you at the highest level during a paintball session.

Respecting the regulatory shooting distance

At a distance of a few meters, the impact of the bullet already causes noticeable pain, which undoubtedly attests to the power of this arsenal. Hence the need to respect a few rules such as avoiding shooting at too close a distance; preferably a distance of 2 meters should separate the gun from your target. Anything less would be dangerous and painful.

While the player under camouflage on the field to shoot from afar in full stealth.

Respecting the areas of the body not to be targeted 

In spite of the integral suit, the mask, the shoes and the gauntlets; certain parts are fragile and exposed, then it is imperative not to aim at these:

  • The neck
  • Thighs
  • The whole head
  • Between the legs
  • And all the unprotected parts.

The most fragile part remains the eyes, for the other areas only bruises will be the marks of your paintball war.

Make your paintball reservation at “

Paintball is a great activity to share with your loved ones.
From gun to gun, the paintballs of various colors depending on the team will be a show worthy of a military war movie.

But above all it is a leisure activity, so safety is the key word for any paintball company.
So, for an incomparable and safe experience, book at

How to protect yourself in paintball?

At ” ” there are 5 types of rates at good prices

Our site provides 5 types of cheap rates with incredible options, including the rate :

  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Children

These are tariffs divided into 3 packages, providing unlimited balls at the most expensive price.

At ” ” the paintball sessions have an optimal security

Our company puts your protection above all else.
Indeed, for each paintball session we provide full protective gear, and in the best possible condition.
In addition, players’ weapons will be adjusted and checked before each field entry. We will make sure that the firepower of the guns and their condition is appropriate. In addition, paintballs will be provided with the packages, and the quality and hardness of the ammunition will be well supervised to avoid any problems.
To keep an eye on your games, a supervisor will be present for each playing field, and in case of material or physical problems there will always be a non-player on hand to react.

At ” ” the paintball sessions are animated

To avoid boring and passionless sessions, we plan to have a specialized animator on your war spots.

This host will give you advice, he will watch over you, he will referee the session to see who wins and who loses, but also who is disqualified, without forgetting that it will be him who will comment on your actions, and finally it will be him who will go and time the remaining game time.
You will be completely immersed in the experience that we promise you.

At ” ” the fields are varied

We have 6 outdoor sites that are spread all over Belgium with 13 playgrounds.
They are outdoor spots, with immersive environments, and in the theme of combat. What to put you in the bath and boost you with adrenaline.

And by the way, we offer epic activities such as paintball, archery, axe throwing, water gun and bubble soccer.

For an unforgettable experience, and euphoric sensations choose .

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